August 2020 Update

This is what you call a no-win situation. 

So here's an update on the status of The Reycralibur Requiem Project. Vlare and VidLii do not currently support the necessary formats for the Reycralibur marathons. YouTube does, thankfully, but it came at the expense of drilling holes into episode one because of their broken copyright-fingerprint-robot-thing. To avoid more unnecessary work, and because of the lack of users on those platforms, I'm scrapping the Vlare and VidLii uploads and sticking to YouTube and the blog for the remainder of this venture. I'll also be continuing this project through to December because there is SO MUCH to unpack! As for where the Season two retrospective marathon is, I'm still juggling a handful of projects (NS3U 7 included) so I have to divide my attention accordingly. 

The next stage of NS3U has been coming along nicely in spite the lack of attention I've given it. The filming process wasn't as over-the-top as it was in previous stages, it was a nice back-to-basics affair. As with the previous stage, I'll be uploading each segment individually; the first of these segments will be online on August 11th, on the fifth anniversary of the very first "Smash Sisters" video. I've been planning some special videos to mark that occasion as well, and there's also the matter of those top secret projects I've been teasing for months, but those will have to wait. For now, I'll be alternating my focus between the Reycralibur Requiem project and NS3U's final stages. 

Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to find the time to work on those secret projects and, maybe, I'll have at least one of them ready by October. Maybe...
But no promises. 

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