Let's Get Devious! | May 2022 Update
I've a had a lot of time to think about where I want to take "We Are All Deviants" next, after such a long hiatus. I spent all of last Summer trying to create a prequel film, but that would go against the loose, non-linear, episodic nature of this series. With the NS3U finale calling, I decided to scrap it. One segment of its remains was reused for "When Smashers Explode", while "The Doctor Is Out" was another short that I was working on. Now that April's releases are in the rearview, I'm half a year overdue to pick up where I left off. Expect to see more WAAD on the main channel starting this month.
As I've explained in the last update, I'm done with making Nintendo fanworks (and I lack the finances to afford the mods needed to do anything "original" in SSBU). If you're waiting to see me do Super Smash Bros Ultimate machinima, feel free to unsubscribe to my channel and let my "colleagues" handle the rest; the New Super Smash Sisters for Wii U: NS3U finale will continue on the Smashing XIII channel. I've refreshed my channel to focus on only the "best" videos from the past seven years; you can find the rest of my stuff in the playlists or the second channel, KidKira Classics.
Meanwhile, I've finally been able to return to VidLii after being locked out for months. I'm uneasy about relaunching that channel because of VidLii's, for lack of a better word, "immaturity". VidLii's video compression has improved at least, but 854x480p is not up to par with YouTube's standards. However, the website managed to survive a lot longer than I expected it too; it certainly lasted longer than ZippCast ever did. More importantly, I still believe machinima needs a new dedicated video hub; one free from Google's malevolence, and YouTube's oversaturation. So until some big influencer comes along and brings new users to the site, I'll stick around to mirror the WADD series at the very least.
I'll be taking it easy(ier) this coming summer, I hope you do too.